“If we demand more of the places we work, the ones that do not serve us will cease to exist.”
Start exploring the Five Aspects of Workplace Culture below. Discover your must-haves and deal-breakers. Find a work culture that aligns with your career goals and values. Or discover how your company might offer a well-rounded culture that supports and retains your highest achievers.
Team Dynamics
Team Dynamics can make or break your everyday happiness at work. What’s important is matching our team values with those of our ideal workplace.
In a workplace context, education can take many forms. What’s important is understanding what forms of education we need and how to match those needs with what a workplace offers.
Support comes in many varieties and it’s different for everyone. From mentorship to cultures that support community service, identifying how we’d like a workplace to support us is the first step
Employee Satisfaction
Office Policies have a huge impact on our satisfaction at work. Which policies are must haves and deal breakers for you?
Growth Opportunity
How will a company foster your growth? Knowing how we want to grow will help align our career with a company’s values.